Best Tips For Outsourcing Mobile App Development Projects

Reading Time: 7 minutes | Date: November 27, 2020 | Posted by: Admin | Category: Tech
Best Tips For Outsourcing Mobile App Development Projects


Why Outsource App Development Projects?

Mobile app outsourcing cuts costs, increase efficiencies and creates profitable competitive advantages. 64% of IT leaders outsource development, and 37% of companies expect to increase their mobile app outsourcing capabilities in the next few years. If your business wants the flexibility, scalability, peace of mind and savings of mobile app development; outsource.  Why Outsource Your Mobile App Development? The mobile app market is booming. An average American checks their phone every 12 minutes and uses mobile apps for 90% of that time. Any savvy business would want to tap into the rich consumer app market. By 2022, consumers are predicted to download over 250 billion apps, creating a +$150 billion industry on app stores alone. The average iPhone user spends $88 on apps and in-app purchases over the course of a year. On a corporate level, internal business apps promote remote work capabilities and connect employees with rich resources and communication tools. So, technically, businesses want to develop apps for two main reasons: they either want to tap into the consumer market, or for internal apps to improve engagement levels for users across different locations. But why outsource apps instead of developing them in-house? When it boils down to core reasons, these are it:

  • Outsourcing is cheaper
  • Outsourcing is high flexibility
  • Outsourcing provides critical on-demand talent
  • Outsourcing gives you scale

Outsourcing allows you to instantly tap into the result you are aiming for without expending multiple resources. You don’t need to utilize in-house talent or scavenge for new talent every time you run into a roadblock. App development companies that undertake projects hold a cornucopia of diverse app-focused talent and have enough experience under their belts to meet and get through road blocks head-on.  It is very important in today’s talent-hungry development environment to get together and improve a team of experts. Even with a surplus of developers cropping up, there is an actual lack of a skilled work-force; that number rises even quicker when we’re talking about “highly” skilled developers. An average app developer’s salary is around $70,000, but for organizations, finding that developer and ascertaining or developing their skillset is a gamble. If you use a headhunting firm, you would be expected to pay around 20% of that employee’s annual salary as a fee. Then, on-boarding and training the employee will cost you over $4,000. And it could take up to two years for that employee to become productive — during which time you’ll lose an average of 2% of your total business revenue unless of course they find a different prospect and move on. You then, start from zero. Imagine next, hiring a new app developer every time you run into a new issue that requires a different skillset. Let’s say your iOS app developer is fluent in Objective-C and Swift, but you need also to create an Android version of your app, so you now need someone to code in Java and Katlin. Or if you require development done in other programming languages, then what? How many people will you hire? And what will you utilize them for after your project is completed? Outsourcing is cheaper, more flexible, faster, and diverse. App development companies focus solely on apps, and have skilled development talent in their teams. That multi-person talent is resourced to you, without your spending heavily for on-boarding and recruitment. Just keep a few details in mind for when you begin that next outsourced app development project.

Where is it best to find outsource agencies?

Tips to Help You Outsource Mobile App Development Successfully Let’s look at a few simple steps that your business should take when looking for and utilizing an outsourced app development partner.

  1. Pick the Right App Development Partner

Who wouldn’t want to find the right partner to save costs and boost productivity and profitability? There are so many app development companies on the market, and everyone looks just as good as the next, when they are counting down their features to you. So, how do you find the best fit? If cost is a factor, how much does it cost to outsource app development? There are four primary app development companies: Onshore: These are app development companies that are based in the United States. They provide a clear, consistent line of communication, are fluent in English and are capable of communicating complex goals and KPIs. Since they have a physical presence, you can visit them on-site or at your business, should you feel the need to. Usually, onshore app development companies cost a little more than other options. Alternatively, the benefit of having easy and open communication facilitates speedier deliveries which may find end up costing you less in the long run. Nearshore: These are app development companies located in countries nearby. For US companies, nearshore developers are usually in Mexico and Canada.  The costs vary wildly for these types of businesses, depending upon where they’re located and the services they provide. Offshore: The app development companies located overseas, are generally cheaper, but time zone differences and differences in communication may add an extra layer of pain points for the uninitiated. Hybrid: These app development companies have both a local and offshore workforce. Clientele can still rely on local service, but they can save up a lot in costs since the bulk of work is performed offshore. What next?  First decide which delivery model you’re most comfortable with, start by looking into any prospective company’s skillset by asking any or all of the following questions: Do they develop both iOS and Android apps? Do they work with app development strategy? Do they come up with growth strategy? Can they create plugins? Do they work with wearables (e.g., Apple Watch, Fitbits, etc?) Do they create responsive web apps? Do they write API? Can they integrate with your current or third-party solutions? Do they leverage or deploy to the cloud? Do they offer cross-platform hybrid mobile app development? Do they offer after deployment Customer Services? Can they help in App Store and Play Store submissions? Confirm that the app developer you hire can create the right types of apps for your needs. For example, a social networking app requires a completely different skill set than a Business Automation app. Check past record to see if they have the capabilities to create apps that you envision.

  1. Set Core Goals and Expected Results

Don’t hire an outsourced development company without explicitly setting down your core needs digitally or on paper. You need a detailed outline of your app, and should have some type of internal benchmark to measure success. As long as you have an idea, a goal, and a desired result, you should be able to move forward with your project. Take your brand information along with you in your meetings. Creating an app that’s highly branded is the key to success. Creating a recognized brand is more valuable than price or product, and color alone improves brand recognition by up to 80%. 

  1. Discuss Scope and Identify Hidden Costs

The outsourcing world is filled with different payment models. Some companies charge subscription fees, others charge flat fees, while still others charge based on scope. Clearly define your scope, when initiating discussions to uncover costs. You need to understand through the outsourced development company just how much work your app will take and what you need to do to make your project work. Ask clearly and be insistent about uncovering hidden costs. Cross-platform apps may cost more. Customized functions may have a different cost compared to inbuilt features. Communicate pricing structures early and clearly. There are many factors that affect app development costs, including the tools used, the complexity of the app, features, platforms and even location as described above. App development cost with a full-cycle development company will be $10,000 on average. Most project sizes range from $5000 to $10,000 including $10,000 maintenance costs per annum. However these are average values: specify, clarify and confirm the charges application to your individual needs with the company you initiate your project with.

  1. Be Assigned a Project and Product Manager

You must have access to a product manager. Some app development companies don’t provide product managers to help oversee products, but, unless you are knowledgeable in product development and taking care of that role yourself, you will need this role fulfilled for the success of any software product work. A reliable, highly-trained product manager with experience in different software products will help you make strategic product decisions and push products to market faster. In addition to Product Manager, you may coordinate a project manager as well. Having a single person to email, call, or text for updates and benchmarks, saves business hours. The product manager will help to create the right product and prioritize features, while the project manager ensures on-time delivery of the product as per requirements. Ideally, your project and product manager should deliver reports and timelines to you without prompts. They should be flexible enough to intake feedback and execute any revisions in real-time.  You want someone who is available during local hours, who you can clearly and consistently communicate with. You should prefer someone who is nearby, but you don’t necessarily want to pay the costs associated with onshore developers. Here hybrid development companies would be an optimum choice. You’ll have a direct line of communication with someone in the United States who can help you navigate the entire app development process.

Is Outsourcing Mobile App Development Right For You? Finding the right outsourced mobile app development partner can seem Herculean. Who wouldn’t want the savings, scale, and flexibility of outsourcing? However outsourcing should not create more problems than it solves. If you’re looking for a hybrid app development company that can develop mobile apps across platforms, using best-in-class app development talent, you’re in the right place. Appedology is a full-service software outsourcing company that can help you develop mobile apps with the best UI/UX and functionality. With a team dedicated to your project and a swarm of expert developers, we think you’re ready to take the next step. Contact us to learn more.

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